
Friday, January 27, 2012

Winter is such a drag!

It's almost the end of January and spring cannot come soon enough. Chicago in the winter is frigid and unforgiving, You see I grew up on the Mexico's northern state Chihuahua and I may never get used to this below 0 weather. We're keeping busy though, tomorrow the Dh, L and I will go to Chicago's Shedd Aquarium to have some indoor fun.The best part is that it is free!! wooho!

Monday, January 23, 2012

does his face look guilty

So here he is..the culprit of my sleeplessness and the one face that never fails to make me smile..The no-tears approach isn't working! he is far to smart to get tricked into sleeping in his mean 'ol crib.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

another sleepless night..

I read somewhere.."if your unhappy with something about your child, you can change it". You see I have a terrible sleeper.. As a newborn i didn't notice as much since it's what they do!. He would sleep 2hr streches and i was bf so i would be up right along with him.He is now 6 months and we are going back to that same schedule.We've tried everything from CIO to co-sleeping and still he's back at 2hrs, Is it possible that he just may not need that much sleep?. No way right, I do know that something we're doing isn't working and we need to fix it . Yesterday for example he slept at 8 woke up at 10 then i nursed him to sleep placed him in his crib then woke up an hour later. Then after some fight from me I placed him in our bed , he usually does 5-6 hour sleeps but not last night..he was up every two hours! Co-sleeping is great because i don't have to get up to feed but i'm so uncomfortable now, mainly because we have a full size bed and I can strech out. So i've decided to wean him from our bed we'll see how that goes.. Today Is night one I will probably be up all night, Oh and I've been remebering we're I've put EVERYTHING! I guess the hubs is right , Don't tell him i said that!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Another day another dollar the cool kids say

Sigh.. being back at work depresses me, After painfully(for my husband)being off for 6 straight months ( heaven for me ) I returned to my old job last month. My Dh needed the help, but i thank him for all that glorious time I spent with my sweet little babe. I honestly don't know how women return to the workforce after just 6 weeks-8weeks.I guess in most cases they have no choice!In my case I kinda prolonged it because my job didn't have a minimum of time and I sorta quit lol, but they took me back. Anyway I know that I'm gonna hate it more when it comes to me missing big milestones like crawling or walking. Ok so I might exagerate a bit , because I only work 3 days out of the week. I just wish, as many others probably do, that my job was fulfilling and that I enjoyed what I do. I work as a clerk in my local gas station! ugh disgusting right.? In my eyes yes, but money is money and I am earning an honest living. Maybe one day I shall wake up and love what I do. Maybe one day...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Oh darn I did it again

Unfortunately I have a horrendous memory. I'm honestly worried i might develop Alzheimer's later in life, or maybe I have early on-set Alzheimer's. I'm honestly not trying to joke , I cannot remember a thing. We'll if it's something you say then yes it gets embedded in my head.My keys on the other hand might still be attached to my car. This creates tons of conflict that shouldn't be there, The Dh and I argue because of my inability to remember where my phone is or what i did with the baby's nail clippers. As long as I can remember I've always been like this, never organized, my mom is the same way!. So that's where I get it from maybe its hereditary, what ever the case may be I need to change this. So a little late than usual but, I believe this is my New Years Resolution. The Organization Project begins, Not sure how i will plan it all out or how i will actually get it done but i'll figure it out.. I will keep a jar and if i forget something like my keys attached to my front door..again, i'll write it down and throw it in the jar. At the end of the year i'll see how many items i have forgotten. I have to fix this because i'm gonna end up pulling my hair..till next time :D